
Concerned about PFAS?

Forever Chemicals, like PFAS are of growing concern. Learn what you can do to protect your drinking water.

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Solar Salt Delivered

Culligan softener salt is the key ingredient to softer water and a better life for you and those you care about. Our salt removes hard minerals from your water to extend the life of appliances, keep dishes cleaner, and more. Culligan delivers salt directly to your home and fills your water softener so you never have to do any of the heavy lifting or worry about running out of soft water.

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Adding salt to your softener is the easiest way to maximize the quality of your water and improve your quality of life. It serves an important purpose within your household, removing hard water minerals to extend the life of your appliances, keep your dishes cleaner, and interact more gently with your skin. Solar salt also helps keep the inside of your water softener clean by working to chemically minimize residue buildup. Culligan will quickly and happily deliver your salt right to your home, carry the heavy bags to your softener, fill your softener to the appropriate level, and check your systems for proper settings and function.

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